Python, Word, python docx, win32com, avtomatlashtirish, hujjat tahliliAbstract
Word hujjatlari bilan samarali ishlashning dolzarbligi va uning amaliy ahamiyati ta’kidlanadi; Pythonning qulay kutubxonalari, ularning imkoniyatlari, texnik usullar, yuzaga kelishi mumkin bo‘lgan qiyinchiliklar, debugging va tizim integratsiyasi kabi masalalar batafsil tahlil qilinadi; maqolaning yakuniy xulosasida esa erishilgan natijalar, kelajak istiqbollari va dasturlash texnologiyalarining rivojlanishiga oid umumiy mulohazalar ifoda etiladi. Ushbu yondashuv nafaqat dasturchilar va texnik mutaxassislar uchun qimmatli tajriba almashish imkoniyatini yaratadi, balki hujjatlarni avtomatlashtirish, formatlash va ularni tahlil qilish sohasida ham yangi innovatsion yondashuvlarni ishlab chiqishga undaydi.
Jalolov, T. S. (2024). SOG ‘LIQNI SAQLASHDA SUN'IY INTELLEKTGA ASOSLANGAN DIAGNOSTIKA TIZIMLARINI YARATISH. Ensuring the integration of science and education on the basis of innovative technologies., 1(3), 13-18.
Jalolov, T. S. (2024). SUN'IY INTELLEKTNING IJTIMOIY TARMOQLARDAGI TASIRINI O ‘RGANISH: FOYDALANUVCHI XATTI-HARAKATLARINI TAHLIL QILISH. Ensuring the integration of science and education on the basis of innovative technologies., 1(3), 31-37.
Jalolov, T. S. (2024). TIBBIY TASVIRLARNI TAHLIL QILISH UCHUN CHUQUR O ‘QITISH ALGORITMLARINI QO ‘LLASH. Ensuring the integration of science and education on the basis of innovative technologies., 1(3), 19-24.
Jalolov, T. S. (2024). TA'LIM TIZIMIDA SUN'IY INTELLEKTNING BAHOLASH JARAYONLARIGA TA'SIRI: AVTOMATIK TEKSHIRISH TIZIMLARI. Ensuring the integration of science and education on the basis of innovative technologies., 1(3), 7-12.
Jalolov, T. S. (2024). INTELLEKTUAL DRON TIZIMLARIDA O ‘ZO ‘ZINI BOSHQARISH TEXNOLOGIYALARI. Ensuring the integration of science and education on the basis of innovative technologies., 1(3), 50-55.
Jalolov, T. S. (2024). KASALLIKLARNI ERTA ANIQLASHDA SUN'IY INTELLEKTNING QO ‘LLANILISHI: IMKONIYATLAR VA CHEKLOVLAR. Ensuring the integration of science and education on the basis of innovative technologies., 1(3), 38-43.
Jalolov, T. S. (2024). SUN'IY INTELLEKTGA ASOSLANGAN SHAXSIYLASHTIRILGAN O ‘QUV DASTURLARINI YARATISH. Ensuring the integration of science and education on the basis of innovative technologies., 1(3), 1-6.
Jalolov, T. S. (2024). IQTISODIY MODELLASHTIRISHDA SUN'IY INTELLEKT TEXNOLOGIYALARIDAN FOYDALANISH. Ensuring the integration of science and education on the basis of innovative technologies., 1(3), 44-49.
Jalolov, T. S. (2024). ПРИЛОЖЕНИЙ ДЛЯ ИЗУЧЕНИЯ ЯЗЫКА С ПОМОЩЬЮ АНАЛИЗА ТЕКСТА. Advanced methods of ensuring the quality of education: problems and solutions, 1(3), 106-111.
Jalolov, T. S. (2024). СРАВНЕНИЕ СИЛЬНЫХ И СЛАБЫХ МОДЕЛЕЙ ИСКУССТВЕННОГО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТА. Advanced methods of ensuring the quality of education: problems and solutions, 1(3), 99-105.
Jalolov, T. S. (2024). ЗВУК РАБОТА АССИСТЕНТОВ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТЬ УВЕЛИЧИВАТЬ ДЛЯ ПРЕПОДАВАНИЕ МЕТОДЫ. Advanced methods of ensuring the quality of education: problems and solutions, 1(3), 93-98.
Jalolov, T. S. (2024). ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ СИСТЕМЫ ИСКУССТВЕННЫЙ В МОНИТОРИНГЕ ИНТЕЛЛЕКТ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ. Advanced methods of ensuring the quality of education: problems and solutions, 1(3), 86-92.
Jalolov, T. S. (2024). НА ОСНОВЕ ИИ НАПАДЕНИЯ ПРОРОЧЕСТВО ДЕЛАТЬ И ЗАЩИЩАТЬ. Advanced methods of ensuring the quality of education: problems and solutions, 1(3), 60-65.
Jalolov, T. S. (2024). ОСНОВО МАШИННОГО ЯЗЫКА. Advanced methods of ensuring the quality of education: problems and solutions, 1(3), 46-52.
Jalolov, T. S. (2024). ИСКУССТВЕННЫЙ ИНТЕЛЛЕКТ С ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕМ ФАЛЬШИВЫЙ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ ОПРЕДЕЛИТЬ МЕТОДЫ. Advanced methods of ensuring the quality of education: problems and solutions, 1(3), 53-59.
Jalolov, T. S. (2024). АЛГОРИТМЫ ПЛАНИРОВАНИЯ И ПРИНЯТИЯ РЕШЕНИЙ ДЛЯ РОБОТОТЕХНИКИ. Advanced methods of ensuring the quality of education: problems and solutions, 1(3), 73-79.
Jalolov, T. S. (2024). С ПОМОЩЬЮ ИИ СНОВА ПОДЛЕЖАЩИЙ ВОЗМЕЩЕНИЮ ЭНЕРГИЯ ИСТОЧНИКИ РАБОТА ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТЬ ОПТИМИЗАЦИЯ. Advanced methods of ensuring the quality of education: problems and solutions, 1(3), 80-85.
Jalolov, T. S. (2024). ИСКУССТВЕННЫЙ ИНТЕЛЛЕКТ КИБЕРБЕЗОПАСНОСТЬ В СИСТЕМАХ ПРИМЕНЯТЬ УГРОЗЫ. Advanced methods of ensuring the quality of education: problems and solutions, 1(3), 66-72.
Jalolov, T. S. (2024). AI YORDAMIDA QAYTA TIKLANUVCHI ENERGIYA MANBALARINI OPTIMALLASHTIRISH. Modern digital technologies in education: problems and prospects, 1(2), 72-77.
Jalolov, T. S. (2024). ATROF-MUHIT MONITORINGIDA SUN'IY INTELLEKT TEXNOLOGIYALARINING QO ‘LLANILISHI. Modern digital technologies in education: problems and prospects, 1(2), 78-84.
Jalolov, T. S. (2024). MATNNI QAYTA ISHLASH ORQALI TIL O ‘RGATISH ILOVALARINI RIVOJLANTIRISH. Modern digital technologies in education: problems and prospects, 1(2), 103-108.
Jalolov, T. S. (2024). OVOZLI KO ‘MAKCHILARNING SAMARADORLIGINI OSHIRISH UCHUN CHUQUR O ‘QITISH USULLARI. Modern digital technologies in education: problems and prospects, 1(2), 85-90.
Jalolov, T. S. (2024). SUN'IY INTELLEKTNI KIBERXAVFSIZLIK TIZIMLARIDA QO ‘LLASH: TAHDIDLARNI ERTA ANIQLASH USULLARI. Modern digital technologies in education: problems and prospects, 1(2), 54-59.
Jalolov, T. S. (2024). KUCHLI VA ZAIF SUN'IY INTELLEKT MODELLARI: ULARNING TAQQOSLANISHI VA RIVOJLANISH ISTIQBOLLARI. Modern digital technologies in education: problems and prospects, 1(2), 91-96.
Jalolov, T. S. (2024). MASHINA O ‘QITISH ALGORITMLARINI OPTIMALLASHTIRISH: SAMARADORLIK VA ANIQLIKNI OSHIRISH USULLARI. Modern digital technologies in education: problems and prospects, 1(2), 97-102.
Jalolov, T. S. (2024). SUN'IY INTELLEKT YORDAMIDA SOXTA MA'LUMOTLARNI ANIQLASH USULLARI. Modern digital technologies in education: problems and prospects, 1(2), 47-53.
Jalolov, T. S. (2024). AI ASOSIDA HUJUMLARNI BASHORAT QILISH VA HIMOYA STRATEGIYALARINI ISHLAB CHIQISH. Modern digital technologies in education: problems and prospects, 1(2), 66-71.
Jalolov, T. S. (2024). KUCHLI AI BILAN JIHOZLANGAN ROBOTOTEXNIKA UCHUN REJALASHTIRISH VA QAROR QABUL QILISH ALGORITMLARI. Modern digital technologies in education: problems and prospects, 1(2), 60-65.